
Best Upcoming Smartphones Under INR 20000

As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, here are some of the best upcoming smartphones under INR 20,000 in India. Please note that the smartphone market is highly dynamic, and new models are released frequently. It is advisable to check the latest offerings from various manufacturers for the most up-to-date information. Realme 8 Pro: Realme is known for its value-for-money smartphones, and the Realme 8 Pro is expected to be a popular option in this price range. It features a powerful processor, a high-refresh-rate display, a large battery, and a good camera system. Redmi Note 10 Pro: Xiaomi's Redmi Note series has always been well-received, and the Redmi Note 10 Pro is expected to continue that trend. It is likely to offer a high-resolution display, a capable processor, a large battery, and a versatile camera setup. Samsung Galaxy M32: Samsung's Galaxy M series focuses on providing good specifications at competitive prices. The Galaxy M32 is expected to feature a large ...



How to Call D365 Custom API from C#

To call a Dynamics 365 (D365) custom API from C#, you can follow the steps outlined below: 1.Import the necessary namespaces: using System; using System.Net.Http; using System.Threading.Tasks; 2. Create an instance of the HttpClient class: HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); 3. Set the base URL of your D365 environment and the API endpoint: string baseApiUrl = "https://your-d365-environment-url/api/data/v9.1"; string apiEndpoint = "/your-custom-api-endpoint"; 4. Set the request headers, including the authorization header if required: httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0"); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("OData-Version", "4.0"); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json")); // Add any other required headers, such as authorization 5. Make the HTTP request to the custom API endpoint: HttpResponseMessage r...

Is Time Travel Possible ?

The concept of a time machine has been a subject of fascination and speculation for centuries. The idea of traveling through time, exploring the past or future, has captured the imaginations of scientists, writers, and dreamers alike. While time travel remains purely speculative and theoretical, this essay will delve into the concept, theories, and implications surrounding the idea of a time machine.  I. The Concept of Time Travel: A. Definition and Possibilities: Time travel refers to the hypothetical ability to move backward or forward in time, experiencing events that have already happened or those yet to occur. It raises intriguing possibilities, such as revisiting historical periods, witnessing significant moments, or gaining insight into the future. Time travel is commonly explored in science fiction literature, movies, and popular culture. B. Theories and Paradoxes: Theoretical physics offers several frameworks and concepts that discuss the possibility of time travel. Einste...

[Free] How To Install WordPress with Nginx in Ubuntu 20.04 Oracle Cloud?

This tutorial has been written to help you set up a server running Ubuntu 20.04 with Nginx and WordPress. If you are looking for a solution that is fast, scalable, secure, and low maintenance then this guide is perfect for you. It will take you step-by-step through the process of installing the latest version of Ubuntu on your VPS server. Then it will show you how to install WordPress on your freshly installed Ubuntu server in less than 10 minutes! If this sounds too good to be true then read on because I'll show you how... 1: Copy Instance IP Address 2: Generate Puttgen Private Key using the Private & Public Keys Generated While Creating Your Instance Conversions > Import Key > Select Your PrivateKey File Click Save Private Key > Press YES 3: Open Putty      Paste Your IPAddress     Under Connection > SSH > Auth > Click Browse & Select the private key file generated from puttygen 4: Click the Open Button on Putty to connect through SSH...

[Fixed] : How To Install WordPress on Oracle Cloud Always Free - Nginx Not Listening Problem

 [Live & Running] The Following Are The SSH Command 1. Enable Super Admin  sudo su - 2 : Update & Upgrade Command sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade 3. Firewall Update sudo apt install ufw sudo ufw allow ssh sudo ufw allow http sudo ufw allow https sudo ufw enable 4: Install NGINX Command sudo apt install nginx 5: Check Nginx Status service nginx status It should display like this ..Output ... root@ubuntu-nginx-test:~# service nginx status ● nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server      Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)      Active: active (running) since Wed 2021-07-21 02:34:01 IST; 41s ago        Docs: man:nginx(8)    Main PID: 16743 (nginx)       Tasks: 2 (limit: 2010)      Memory: 4.0M      CGroup: /system.slice/nginx.service              ├─16743 n...

[Fixed]Images are not showing in iOS 14

Original Post:   1.  run "npm i -g patch-package"  2. Create a folder named "patches" in your root of the project 3. Get the react-native version from the package.json file (it should be under dependencies section) For Example :  "react-native" : "0.61.5" , 4. Create file named  react-native+<version_code>.patch Example :  react-native+0.61.5.patch 5. Add the below code into that file diff --git a/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Image/RCTUIImageViewAnimated.m b/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Image/RCTUIImageViewAnimated.m index 21f1a06..2444713 100644 --- a/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Image/RCTUIImageViewAnimated.m +++ b/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Image/RCTUIImageViewAnimated.m @@ -272,6 +272,9 @@ - (void)displayDidRefresh:(CADisplayLink *)displayLink - (void)displayLayer:(CALayer *)layer { + if (!_currentFrame) { + _currentFrame = self.image;...